Paolo e Francesca

Amor, whom no one loved to love forgives, took me of this man so strongly, that, as you see, he still does not abandon me. Amor led us to a death: Caina waits for those who died in life.

-Francesca (VV 103/142)parla a Dante-

The room of Paul and Francesca it is found 30 mqs to the first floor and measure.
It has a marvelous sight on the castle of you Suck and on the underlying hills. The color of this room is the red, red passion, red of flames of the hell


To Paul and Francesca good part of the V is devoted I sing some Divine Comedy of Giving Alighieri.
The two young people are souls condemned to the punishment of the hell dantesco in the circle of the lustful ones.
In life they were adulterine lovers and this love it conducted them to the death for hand of the husband of Francesca. In the immortal verses of Giving, Francesca explains to the poet as all it happened: reading the book that explained the jailbird love between Lancillotto and Geneva, two lovers found the passion.
Francesca speaks to Dante:
“Amor,ch’a nullo amato amar perdona,
mi prese del costui piacer sì forte,
che,come vedi,ancor non m’abbandona.
Amor condusse noi ad una morte:
Caina attende chi a vita ci spense”